LIVING MULTIPLE LIVES ||This article is the text form an entrepreneur, investor, content creator and many much Mr. Ankur Warikoo’s video in which he explained how to live multiple lives in just one life. He explained it very well, why it is necessary and how to do it.  

“There was a tennis player. Played really well. One of the most famous ones in the world. He met with an accident. He had an injury on his nose because of which he lost his sense of smell. He cannot detect the scent of anything properly. And all the newspapers started discussing the accident. But no one said that, it was a tragedy , no said that it was a bad accident. Why? Because, it does not affect his identity. If his arms or legs get damaged , then it would be a great tragedy and a very bad incident. Because, a tennis player creates his identity by his arms, legs, eyes and to a great extent his mind.

Similarly, we all have that one thing which creates our identity. For a chef, his taste is that thing, for an artist, his hands, for a coder or an engineer , his typing. In this way, everyone has that one thing which shows our identity and which shows our existence.

In an interview of Bill Gates, the interviewer asked “What is that one think, which you are most concerned about?” He replied “I fear that if I lose my thinking capability, it would be nothing left.”

Now the question arises, if we lose that one thing which defines our personality, will we be nothing?

In this case, we should remind that, 200 to 300 years ago, the great personalities, who created laws, theories, who made such a great advancements in science or in any field like art or philosophy, they were never attached to just only one thing.

If you persons like Einstien ,Newton they were astronomer, a writer, a scientist, a historian, a poet and used to a lot many other things. If try to know Leonard da Vinci who has created the famous painting Mona Lisa, he was a sculptor , a astronomer, a historian, an artist and a lot more. Einstein who was a famous scientist used to play a violin, and he has a huge interest in history and God.

But, our books used to tell us about their just one thing. What they personally think of them? Either a person who has multiple identities and they used to think If they lose their mind, nothing will be left?

In 1900, a huge shift came through world, and that was “Industrial Revolution” which forced us to be attached with just only one thing. We received the education which always taught us that we can pursue only one thing. And that was it we were prepared for, this is what we were told to do the lifetime, this is what for which we get a job and this is what for which we get paid. And we from last 100 to 150 years, are just doing the same.

We constantly pass our lives in just thinking of that one thing, how to enhance it, how to protect it, if I lose that I will be nothing, there will be no existence of mine.

But, if we go 200 to 300 years ago ask them that, what If you lose one identity, they might replying that, I have 5 more different identities by which I can look myself in the mirror.

In today’s world itself, if we see the genuine successful people, we will find that they will never be attached and engaged in just one thing. It is ironical that, the companies run have the employees which are attached to just one thing.  

If we see Mr. Mukesh Ambani, we will that, he ran the business of petrochemicals, telecommunications, textiles, entertainment etc. but never relied on just one business. These all things came under only just one person and under just one leadership. I thought Mr. Ambani thought . my identity cannot be limited to just one business, I can do anything because of thinking is limitless.

Another great example is Bill Gates, who is the owner of Microsoft, he was the richest man and now he is also working on health issues like eradicating of malaria, polio , constructing toilets.

Who thought the person, person who has the tech company, will enter the health sector. A normal person would think, this is the work of doctors , NGOs etc. what Bill Gates is doing in this sector and he doesn’t even have studied that. And this is the main thing.

Our education stops us in doing this. It trained us to do just one thing in life and your profession should validate it in order to get paid. A HR manager remains HR through his life time, a finance manger remains fiancé manager lifetime, A marketer can do only marketing.

And this has limited us thinking for just one thing.

Ask yourself, are you just limiting yourself, can you do more of than you are just doing. If you stand in front of a mirror, did you saw just one identity.

“Ask yourself , do you want live one life or many lives in just one life.”


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