JAPANESE METHOD OF FIND YOUR PURPOSE ||Our elders says that, do what you want. But, do they really mean it? We always hear that you should chase your passion because we have to live happily. We should not chase success, chase excellence, success will be behind you.

But, this really happens? My answers is “No”

A lot of people ends up pursuing that, what they don’t like or even hate most. Why? The answer is to meet the standards set by our society and most of them are just useless and just a symbol of status.

But, there are lot of well aware people, who doesn’t like their current work and they don’t care of what society thinks. But, here comes the problem, if not the current work then what?

Here comes the concept of IKIGAI. It is a Japanese word that stand for “A Reason For Being”. The word tells us the purpose, the direction, the right way in the life of an individual. This leads an individual to take willing steps toward his goals. Which ultimately leads to the satisfaction in the life.

Now, If you are facing the same problem of not liking your work, you definitely needs to find your IKIGAI.

Now the question arises, how to discover your ikigai.

It is here that lies the answer to unlocking your life’s true purpose.

Fortunately, this is something you can easily uncover by asking yourself the following four questions:

1.     At which work I am good at? (or we can say your vocation)

If you don’t like your current work, then you should definitely find the work you love. Be it, any sports, arts, finance ,business etc.

2.     What do I love the most? (or we can say your passion)

You may be good at several vocations, but it doesn’t matter until you love it.

3.     What is that for which I can be paid? (your profession)

And that’s for what you work.

4.     Find the need of world? (your mission)

Taking birth as a human doesn’t only mean to make money and live lavish lifestyle. Because, to earn that, you need to give the values to the society and if you made even a single person happy, that’s what is the best charity.

When you are thinking of your answers try to trust your own instincts. What are the things that truly excite and motive you? What are the things you have a genuine and irresponsible sense of curiosity for? FIND YOUR IKIGAI

Thankyou for Reading


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