9 BIGGEST TIME WASTERS IN YOUR LIFE,What if I tell you that you are one of the biggest time wasters


What if I tell you that you are one of the biggest time wasters? Sounds odd right?

Ok try to remember when you were working on your butterfly painting assignment and you felt like you have seated for long hours but ending up realizing it is midnight and you are watching dancing cat videos even when you know you have work to do and your butterfly remained uncolored also assignment is overdue. 

Or let’s take another example, the time when you just wanted to check your phone and you unconsciously again ended up watching dancing cat videos and also this time some thug life cat videos which your friend sent you.

If you have these qualities, congrats mate! You may win the time wasting competition.

Actually you are not the time waster, what leads to wasting of  time are the following things you practice regularly. To avoid this and to become super productive, super-efficient and Elon musk lite, you need to avoid these following things. Some of which you might be aware of still you subconsciously gets attached to them. So let’s throw some light on them:



Procrastination is the phenomenon of showing laziness and continuously delaying our work. Every one of us has procrastinated at some point of life and may be doing it right now. Many of us wake up with the strong will to complete the work but again get distracted , doing some other work, then some other work and then some other work except your butterfly color assignment.

What you need to this, just start your hardest task of the day without thinking of some other work, this will  lead to the completing of your task, make you stress free for the entire day and to the ultimate happiness.


Are you guilty of this? Social media is everywhere and then it takes up a lot of our time these days. You may often find out yourself often scrolling your phone aimlessly like a zombie, then you realize am I even enjoying myself,  I don’t even like cooking, why am I watching 1 minute cooking videos. The average person spends 2-3 hours daily on social media and you can calculate how many hours is it in a whole week. When you try to recall, what you were watching was even important? odds are they weren’t.

It will be best to set a timer for how long you would use social media per day so that you would not be tempted to watch those cat videos your friend posted.



You might be a person who always wanted to see people happy and for that you always gets ready for their favor. Saying “YES” all the time your friend ask a favor will make you ended up wasting a lot time.

Because, it is the time to focus a little on yourself or focus a lot on yourself.  Also saying “NO” to your friend will not lead  him or her to leave you and if this is happening , he might not be your good friend, my friend.



You have to admit that, there is no perfect that exist. Waiting for the perfect time, perfect moment, or perfect strategy will lead to wasting of a lot time. You have to deep breath , relax and let what it goes. Putting 24 hour in butterfly assignment and expecting it to be perfect is not a wise thinking, its not going to happen. You have to be satisfied with the “GREAT” not expect the “PERFECT”.



As much we’d like to think we can multitask, odds are we can’t. Science has proven that any special task which needs high concentration can be done one at a once. So, if you are doing your butterfly assignment, you cannot focus on your English essay at the same time. Also impossible, because you don’t have four hands.



If you know you have any problem in your essay or any assignment, you need to seek solution from your mentor. If you feel sick after eating 8 slices of pizza, stick to one or two. But you need to come out of your comfort by leaving fear behind and learn what mistakes you were making so that it will save time next time.



This is one of the major problems. You know that you have butterfly assignment and the English essay to complete, still you just wished to check your phone and we all know what happen after this. Usually, checking phone does not end up as checking phone. You might end up watching some more cat videos, then some more cat videos, then some more and then a full episode of Tom and Jerry. And now you realize you butterfly remained uncolored and your English essay is left and in the name of writing, only its heading is written.



Sometimes indecisiveness can ruin the little pleasure in our life. In a 1995 study, Sheena Iyengar a professor of business at Columbia university and author of the art of choosing raised the hypothesis that people might find more and more choice to actually be debilitating.

Iyengar and her research assistants set up a booth with samples of jam. Every few hours they switch from offering a sample selection of 24 jams to only six jams. Thirty percent of customers who stopped at the small selection of jams decided to buy one while only three percent of those of stopped at the booth containing 24 jams decided to buy one. What does this mean? Sometimes it’s easier to make a choice  when there are fewer options and you simply don’t overthink things .

So, if you are indecisive with the little things , try not to overthink every option and just go with what your gut tells you.


9.  FEAR-

Fear can stop us  doing a lot of things. Can you remember when fear stopped you doing something you truly loved or taking a risk that could have resulted in something great. If we live our lives hidden in fear without taking any risks we may not have as many opportunities  to grow or discover something that can make us happy.

So, we need to defeat fear for a happy living , other wise it just going to waste our life time.


Well, hope enjoyed the article also write in the comment section, which is your biggest time waster and what you do to  avoid wasting time.

Thank you for reading

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