||   THE MOST USELESS THING ||

Once upon a time , a person’s eyes , nose and mouth had a meeting.

First the eyes said: “We, the eyes, are of utmost importance to the body. Everything must be seen by us to know whether it is beautiful or not, big or small, tall or short. Without us , walking around would be very difficult. So we, the eyes, are very important. But we have been improperly placed under the eyebrows, which are of no use. It is just not fair!”

Next, the nose said: “I, the nose, am the most important. Only I can distinguish a good smell from a foul odor. The act of breathing is also dependent on me. If I do not let the breath pass through everybody will die. So I am the most important. As important as I am, I have been unfairly placed beneath the useless eyebrows. I am most unhappy.”

Then the mouth said: “I am the most important part of the human body. I can speak; if not for me, there would not be any communication among people. I take in the food; if not for me, everybody would die of hunger. Such an important part as myself has been placed in the lowest part of the face. The useless eyebrows, however, have been put on  the highest part of the face. This I cannot accept!”

After the others have spoken, the eyebrows spoke slowly: “Please do not fight anymore. We, the eyebrows are surely the most useless things, we admit defeat. We are willing to be placed below you.”

Having said this, the eyebrows settled down below the eyes. Unfortunately, the person no longer looked like a human being. Next, the eyebrows settled down below the nose. It was still horrible; it still did not look like a human being. Then the eyebrows settled down below the mouth. This looked even more ghastly! The eyes , nose and mouth huddled to discuss the situation again. They concluded that it was best if the eyebrows returned to their original place on the face; it was the most appropriate spot for them. When the eyebrows returned to their original spot, the appearance was once again that of a human being.

We see in life… In our life…

Through this story, you can see that what appears to be the most use less things, sometimes can be indeed the most useful, to you. If you think you have weaknesses, think again. Maybe those weaknesses are what make you strong, are what make you compassionate, are what make you unique. All attributes and characteristics that you possess are for a reason. Everything can be of use to you…. You just need to search.

Thank you For Reading.


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