World Mental Health Day 2020

World Mental Health Day 2020 ,The Theme of World Mental Health day 2020,  Symptoms of mental disorders, Importance of World Mental Health Day

 World Mental Health Day 2020 

10TH of October is celebrated  and observed as World Mental Health day every year. The main focus of this day is to resolve and spread awareness about mental health issues to maximum possible human on this planet.

This day provides a great opportunity to the people who works in the field of oh mental health , psychology etc to discuss about their work , talk about their work. They try to explain the communities how we can fight with the mental problems and what can be the appropriate solutions.

This year we all are facing a big pandemic , the corona outbreak. In this time period many have lost their all , whether financially or emotionally. In this time period , mental health of people is been heavily affected and many have committed suicide because of extreme poverty and many other reasons.

The Theme of World Mental Health day 2020

In this year , According to World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) the theme for World Mental Health Day 2020 is 'Mental Health for All: Greater Investment – Greater Access'.

Which means , during this tough time of pandemic ,our first priority should be mental health and we seriously need to need invest in it and every possible manner.

WHO director- Ghebreyesus stated the every one in this world is tending to accep the concept and idea of universal health coverage (UHC) and the mental health is mandatory to be an important part of UHC. “Nobody can be denied for the access to mental health care services and health  because for the reasons of poverty or living in a remote area.,” he added.

The World Mental Health day theme ,gives a stress on the fact that mental health is a basic human right like other all human rights given by law and should be available to anyone at any point of time.


Importance of World Mental Health Day

A healthy emotional life and mind is mainly a matter of how a person's mind processes, under various scenarios and the understand information, experiences and knowledge regarding mental health. I think being emotionally  and mentally fit is the key to success in all aspects of life.



Along with physical health Mental health significantly influences our quality of life. So it makes inference that mental health is just like physical health and even more important which needs to be taken care of and maintained. And one way that it can be taken care of is through finding a feeling of a community .


Many people (almost 1 out of every four persons) have mental health issues and from time to time when they are ignored or not taken seriously they can become a mental illness But when ongoing signs and symptoms cause  much stress and  tension they could affect your ability to function properly.

A mental illness or mental disease can make your life  miserable and can cause many hurdles  in your daily life, such as at university  or at office or in relationships. In many of the cases, symptoms can be dealt and managed with a proper combination of medications provided  and talking therapy (psychotherapy).

Symptoms of mental disorders

Signs and symptoms of mental illness if identified can prevent a serious loss to brain by getting treatment at perfect time. The signs and symptoms also vary, depending on the disorder and which circumstances the patient is suffering and many more factors are involved.Mental illness symptoms can seriously affect emotions, thoughts , behaviors and ultimately leading to a miserable life.

Some of the signs and symptoms are as follows:

·       The regular sensation sadness or down mood

·       Not able of thinking or ability to concentrate is gradually decreased

·       Superfluous fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt of the things which are just psychological.

·       Extreme mood changes of highs and lows at any point of time , sometimes without any reasons.

·       Sudden disconnection from friends and loved ones.

·       A regular feeling of tiredness, low self esteem or problems sleeping

·       Detachment from reality (delusions) or just making their own world hallucinations

·       Not able to cope with daily problems and getting stressed easily.

·       Facing problems in understanding and relating to circumstances and to people

·       A sudden increase in usage of alcohol or drug use to elevate mood.

·       A Major changes in eating habits ( bad eating habits)

·       Sex drive changes

·       Tending towards extreme anger, or violence

·       Recent suicidal thoughts

Many times mental disorders also lead to the symptoms associated with physical health disorders , some of which includes the pain in stomach , migraine etc.

When you should consult a doctor

The regular experiences of signs and symptoms of mental illness mentioned above is a major reason and a correct time you should seek a good psychologist or a care provider. Most mental issues don't get resolved on their own, and if they are ignored or remain untreated , there is most likely the person will be a victim of a serious mental illness and it may get worse over time and cause serious problems and as mentioned above it will make your life miserable.

There is also a great reason and a correct time to consult a doctor is when you start experiencing the regular suicidal thoughts.

Many a time surrounding people of the patient experiencing suicidal thoughts tend to make the person feel that they are a loser or they are just a failure and stating that mental health is nothing. This leads to a serious loss even a suicide.


This is a sad reality that in our world most of the people underestimate the mental health in comparison to physical health. According to me, until your mental health is absolutely fine your physical health will also not be good. Instead we should equally prioritize the both physical and mental health for the proper functioning of our body and deal with various circumstances.

Human is as social animal, and we have to encounter thousands of hurdles in our lives and to cope with them we need a strong and healthy mind.

The Theme of World Mental Health day 2020  is to invest in mental health which is appropriate for this period of pandemic as well as in normal life.


ThankYou For Reading.

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