Thought provoking questions about life


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 Thought provoking questions about life|| You see in , in your life , We humans have made our life busy up to that extent that we could even not find a little time in a day for our self. We are busy in maintaing and rising our studies , careers , relationships etc. We have tangled our lives in this circle of career , studies , relations etc.

We never realize that we have spend most of our lives whizzing through our days and busy in our self made life circle. We seriously need to find precious little time to self-reflect in order to change our perspective on life and to make our self better  without losing further days of our lives.

Following questions are to help you get started  think  on for  the most important things you can do for yourself; you have to become more self-reflective if you want  to improve yourself , your relationships and to more about your self .

As you go through these questions, think how they can challenge long held assumptions you may have made about yourself and your life.

Have a look, read thoroughly , you will be able to ask yourself some philosophical questions pique your interest. And remember, try to ask yourself “why” , “how” , “when” etc. questions while thinking about yourself.

Who said that there should be a perfect answer for the question You just need the ability to ask the questions to your self. Try these questions , will be deep thought provoking questions about life

  1. Are you happy in what you are doing and you truly want to do?

Most of the people does what they really doesn’t want to , for example a person who always wanted to be a cricketer is preparing for MBA entrances.


  1. Do you have a aim in your to follow?

An aimless journey will be the direction less journey and the traveller will not be  able to reach at a certain point and will be ended up as wandering here and there.

You should have a target point to reach if you are travelling , same in the life , have a aim , a dream to follow in your life.


  1. Are the promises made by you for yourself are made and how many?

You see in life , people make various promises , resolutions for their selves to follow for the rest of life . A basic example, people making promises to them to workout in gym and ended up as eating potato chips lying on couch and chilling.

People make thousands of such promises , think about yourself, how many have you made, out of which how many are made and how many could be possible but your laziness won.

  1. The one specific thing you really wanted to do but ended up as never even starting it?

There is always a thing people have dreamt to do or to achieve for example , I wanted to be a sportsperson but I couldn’t. So what’s yours and what’s the reason which stopped it.

 5. If time travel would have been possible , what advice would like to give your six years past version?


For me , I would advice my self to pay attention on atleast what is being taught in school lol..

What would be your , please let me know in comment section.


  1. Have you ever pour a creative idea into a coffin and bury it alive because others thought you were a fool?

If yes, you seriously need to recover that idea because , that could even be proved as a miracle in future as it proved for most of the successful entrepreneurs.


  1. Do you fear making mistakes even if some one tells you there is no punishment for it?

This is most common fear I have observed in most of the people. For example , a person feeling nervousness before his public speech.

            Do you have any such kind of fear, think about it.


  1. If you would want someone to clone you, which of your characteristics or traits you wouldn’t like to be cloned by that person?

Most probably those would be your negative characteristics , so if do not wanted them to be cloned and you are aware of it , why not to eliminate it.


  1. What the distinguishes  you from the most of the other people?

If you think you are something lesser from others , why not to identify in which way and how to overcome it .


  1. Are you making some influences or adding some vales in the world or constantly being influenced and consuming to what you are exposed to?

Human is a social animal , we have to live between millions of same species , in this crowd are you helping or just constantly getting helped.


  1. Is there anything you can not forget  but you know you have to forget?

There is no harm in remembering things but the memories which hurts you , seriously need to be forgotten.


  1. About what are you worrying  and what could be the worst case the difference if you stop worrying about it?

I personally have many people worrying about such things which could be cured in seconds , and that is by just forget it.


  1. If you know you will die in the next moment, will there be any regrets?

If yes , then start doing those things which if you not do will make feel regret.


  1. The one thing with which you’re most satisfied with?


  1. The last time you laughed to the last breath and stomach pain and what did you laughed at?


Never forget to remember these moments , these will remind you live a happy life.


  1. Are you adding something in society which makes you and people around you happy?

If yes, then you are getting blessings from those whom you made laugh , and if not, then start doing it , it will make you feel happy not only at that moment but also but from inside.


  1. Is there anyone who you love or loves you?

If yes , you are lucky , If not , just chill


  1. If you measure happiness with money , how rich do you think you are and how much you can be?

Most of the people make a big mistake that they assume happiness is directly proportional to money. The more of money , the more happiness.

Yes, money brings luxury lifestyle and an ability to buy anything.

Yes you need money to get your life stable but do not compare yourself to others who earn more , you hurt yourself by doing unnecessary efforts to increase your income.

It doesn’t matter if you can not buy a BMW because even Honda City does not  lack any feature.

Choice is yours , if your happiness is in expanding your income then go for it but if you hate work , just stabilize yourself and do what bring happiness in your life.


 19.  At what point of your life , you are satisfied enough?


Everyone in his life have to be satisfied with what they have done in their entire life wether they became a celebrity or a normal salaried employee , but what matters is satisfaction. Even if you are a millionaire and your hunger for money is not ending and eventually just eating up your personal life then my friend it’s not a good sign.


Yes, hunger for more is good to achieve more and more heights but according to me at some point you have to declutter the things and just be satisfied even if you are not one of the riches.

And the special question funny thought provoking questions about life,

20. Does news reporter on television wear pants?


Or do they have even legs or not … lol..

 This was just to lighten up your mood after questioning these above questions to your self.


I hope these  Thought provoking questions about life would be helping for you to know yourself better .



Keep reading and keep learning.




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