How To Cut off Toxic Relationships

How To Cut off Toxic Relationships,The Right Time to cut off the toxic relationship ,how to remove someone from your life completely,cutting people out of your life

How To Cut off Toxic Relationships || In the previous post , I explained you about the toxic parents and their signs.

Toxic people leads to a lot of negativity in our life. One of the great sign to identify the toxic person is the uuughh feeling you experience after a conversation or face off to a person. The toxic people are the great manipulators. Even if they make mistake they blame you. If you are surrounded by the toxic people and even if they are your relatives, you life will be full of negativity, sadness , frustration etc.

We see in life, problems occur with in all relations , but with toxic ones we see ourselves ended up as an unhappy   , demotivated , low self esteemed person. It is better to cut off the relations with the toxic people because , neither they will live peacefully nor they will let you live peacefully. What they they do is just to float throughout your life.

Reason why people show the toxic behavior.

Toxic  individuals blossom with control. Not the adoring, solid control that tries to keep everyone happy safe , advising  – to buckle your safety belt, wear helmet, wear sunscreen, be kind to everyone and help everyone – instead they grasp the control over the other’s life which makes their lives small and limited.

All that they do is trying to get the control over the individuals life making it little and sensible. This will happen through analysis, judgment, abuse – whatever it takes to keep somebody in their place. The more you attempt to stand up for ‘your life’ , the more a hazardous  individual will approach toxic behavior to get you back and squash you into the little box they trust you should have been  placed in.

Almost certainly, toxic individuals learned their way of conduct during their own growth phase of life, either by being exposed to the toxic conduct of others or by being over pampered without being taught the lesson of equality and empathy. In toxic relationship there will be various characteristics that are missing as well, for example, regard, respect for others , empathy and sympathy, however at the center  of a toxic person’s behaviour is the absence of concern around their consequences on others. They accompany a basic inability to see past their own needs and needs.


The Right Time to cut off the toxic relationship

“The Right time to leave” is the most difficult and questionable statement. Many people pass their lives in a dilemma whether to leave or not. It could be the most important decision for our lives.

There can be many reasons for it like. what happens when you cut off a toxic person . The problems faced are

Feelings – The person who is filling toxicity in your life could be your very close relatives , siblings and even parents as I mentioned in my previous posts. Leaving the person very close to you is a very tough task at the emotional level.

Fear – They fear that what will happen to their future if they are dependent on the toxic ones.

Many reasons can be there according to situation of life.

Here are some of the signs if you notice happen , then it is the time to cut off.

They do not respect your views

A toxic person will never understand your point of views neither he/she will try to. In any condition they will just show you that you are useless and your are just a waste. In any condition they will manipulate you to agree with their ideas.

Inability to learn

Under the influence of a toxic person, you will never get a chance to learn anything. They will just engage you foolish acts and if it is done something , they scold you. It will lead you to early depression , anxiety which opposes the act of learning because eyou mind would not be working as well.

Danger, danger, danger

If you live with any toxic person in your family say, parents or siblings , everytime here and there , there will be only one thing running in your head that is when again is that person going to make such a dramatic condition in your surrounding.


They Don't Respect Your Beliefs

Suppose if you have a belief on any thing and a person just says , you are a piece  of rubbish and so as your thoughts. That is what a toxic person does.


They Make *Themselves* The Priority

 A person who never thinks of others what they want , what they need. He just knows is that what he/she wants and need. All of that they do is just in favour of themselves even if it is hurting someone else. They do not cares.

There are more signs like they always play victim card. Even if they themselves makes the mistake they behave like they are the victims are also that much manipulative that they even make anyone believe that they are victims.

how to remove someone from your life completely

 1.Recognize The Toxicity.

The very first step towards eliminating the toxicity is to recognize it. Identify that the certain person is making you feel low , depressed and becoming the reason for your unhappiness on a regular basis. It means there is something wrong. I f you does not identify it , it just going to be worse .

This is the time to eliminate and free yourself because expecting them to be nice is just impossible.

2. Your Boundaries should be well defined.

If you want to end the relations with a toxic person, you need to set your boundaries and stick with them for the longer term. In the event that you revealed to yourself you wouldn't react to their writings, don't. Square their number and square them on all online media. Try not to send them any messages and don't check in a half year from now. Like this you can make many boundaries and now you will be set to break the relations.

3. Stop being nice to them.

There is a general tendency of toxic persons that if you will be too nice to them, they will be more likely to take the advantage , being very nice to them can be proven detrimental.  It doesn’t mean you have to be a cruel person , but what you should do is stop going out of your way to be overly obliging.


Toxic individuals are extraordinary at showing up when they are in trouble and need something, especially during emergency in their own lives. "They'll request a help in times of dire need or a shoulder to cry. "These are ploys for your time and consideration. Try not to yield to them, regardless of the condition."


When you cut off with the toxic persons, they will always find a way back to your life and continue to disturb your life. Make sure when you make it clear, it is for the permanent. Other wise they will always anyhow make a trouble or any problem in your life.

If the toxic person is from your family , again you have to live separately if you want to live happily. But it is difficult to cut it off for permanent , what you can do is call them only once or twice a month or just visit them when you have holidays.



Truly, we need relations, but we needn't bother with each relationship—particularly ones that bring us more problems than help. "Vitality streams where consideration goes," .The more clear you are about where your core is, the more effective you'll be. The extra time you spend away from toxic individuals, the extra time you have for yourself and the individuals that are positive, inspiring, and needed to you." Make time for individuals who bring you blessings, and let go of the individuals who bring you any negativity in your life.


World is so big and life is too small to just be engaged with someone who is just getting you down in your life instead of helping. Living or being engaged with kind of person will ultimately give you unnecessary tension in life while you already are struggling in life , career etc.

Expecting this person to be changed can be proven a foolish mistake ever , because , personality never changes . Things will go just worse day by day leading to greater conflict and effecting the mental health.

cutting people out of your life

So, it’s better to just go away from your life or just cut off every communication and relations with them.

If You Haven't yet visited my previous my previous post about the toxic parent .
The click below to read 👇

Thankyou For Reading

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