LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR MIND || Firstly, we need to understand how our mind works. We need to know about two things i.e., Awareness and Mind.
Our Mind contains a lot of things and areas in it, like happiness , anger, jealousy , food ,science, art , technology etc. and the awareness is a type of light ball which we can transfer from one area to another to which we want and the energy and the light is  transferred to that area according to which our mind perform. For example , if the light ball is in happiness area that does not mean you are happy, it is because you awareness is in that area. By the help of your concentration and will power you can transfer that light ball to any area.
We allow our surroundings and people to control our awareness , where they want our awareness to go, it goes and our energy is also transferred there and over the period of time that area becomes stronger. So, your goal should not be to control your mind but control your awareness. So to do such, we need to learn to concentrate. According to me , concentration is the ability of a person to keep his/her awareness in a single work. Most of the people are not able to concentrate because of two reasons. First, they have never think to practice it, Second, they have never learnt it. How many of you have attended the class of concentration just like the class of maths or physics. I think a very less number of people. Every body has told us , concentrate on your studies , concentrate on you food but nobody tells how to do it .

So now what we have to do. We have to do nothing extra, we just have concentrate on a single work in a particular time. If you doing homework, try to just focus on that rather on distractions , if you are talking to someone, give them your undivided attention, if you are talking on phone, listen the person word to word to whom you are talking. In this way, in the whole you would have been practiced concentration atleast 7 to 8 times. After some months you will be noticing your great concentration.

Second thing you need to learn is to increase your  Will Power. Will power is something every body gets it in different quantity. It is something we can increase. It is like a muscle , I call it mental biceps.
There are three ways to increase your will power.

1. Always finish the work which you are doing.

2. Complete it in better way that you expected.

3. Complete the work in a less time.

You will need some extra energy to complete these three steps , that extra energy is know as will power. These steps are also to implemented in our daily life routine. For example, when you go to sleep, first brush the teeth then sleep and when you wake up in the morning, complete the process of sleeping. How will you complete it? By making and resetting your bed. 
If we have the time to prepare the food, eat the food then we should also have time to wash the dishes and utensils you used. Similarly , you can implement this on your other daily works.

So now when our awareness light ball is distracted to some other area, by the help of our increased will power , we can re set the awareness where it is needed. Awareness and Mind are two different things but all these are in the control of you.

The Third Thing I want you to learn is the Energy Management. Every day we wake up with a limited amount of energy which most of us wastes it in unnecessary things like mobile , games and people who are useless to us. The biggest reason for energy management is death. Every human has to die at some point of life that means we have limited life and limited energy. So why not to invest our energy from where we will get a positive return. Let us take an example of money, we all have limited amount of money which means it is a limited resource, so whenever we need to buy something or make an investment , we investigate everything that whether it will give a profit to us or it is a useless investment. Same is in the case of our energy. Always think that the thing or the person on whom your are spending energy does deserve your energy or is it just wasting your energy.
When you will understand  this, you will be able to make a wiser choice for your energy, you will rather prefer to spend energy on your family, career and the loved ones.

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